Gamepad Vibration Tester

Gamepad Massager

  1. Gamepad Vibration Tester
  2. Gamepad Vibration Test Pc
  3. Gamepad Vibration Tester App
  4. Usb Vibration Gamepad Drivers Download
  5. Gamepad Vibration Test Software
  6. Gamepad Vibration Tester Tool
  7. Gamepad Tester App

This simple tool give you access to the vibrator of your gamepad with a simple pression of the trigger.

Joystick Tester is a handy application which allows you to check if your joystick is working according to its parameters. The program is designed to automatically detect the controller connected. IVIBRATE is a FREE app that turns your Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 or any. gamepad into your own personal vibrator!

Treat yourself or anyone else with a delicious, relaxing massage.

Controls ( XBox controller template ) :

Triggers: Vibrate

A:Light Mode B:Heavy Mode X:Combined Mode Y: Lock Intensity

TagsController, relationship, Relaxing, vibration

Install instructions


Simply download the executable and double-clic it.


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Thank u for this great app. I have a request:

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This app helped me loosen my tense shoulders.


This page describes the basics of programming for Xbox One gamepads using Windows.Gaming.Input.Gamepad and related APIs for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).

By reading this page, you'll learn:

  • how to gather a list of connected gamepads and their users
  • how to detect that a gamepad has been added or removed
  • how to read input from one or more gamepads
  • how to send vibration and impulse commands
  • how gamepads behave as UI navigation devices

Gamepad overview

Gamepads like the Xbox Wireless Controller and Xbox Wireless Controller S are general-purpose gaming input devices. They're the standard input device on Xbox One and a common choice for Windows gamers when they don't favor a keyboard and mouse. Gamepads are supported in Windows 10 and Xbox UWP apps by the Windows.Gaming.Input namespace.

Xbox One gamepads are equipped with a directional pad (or D-pad); A, B, X, Y, View, and Menu buttons; left and right thumbsticks, bumpers, and triggers; and a total of four vibration motors. Both thumbsticks provide dual analog readings in the X and Y axes, and also act as a button when pressed inward. Each trigger provides an analog reading that represents how far it's pulled back.


Windows.Gaming.Input.Gamepad also supports Xbox 360 gamepads, which have the same control layout as standard Xbox One gamepads.

Vibration and impulse triggers

Xbox One gamepads provide two independent motors for strong and subtle gamepad vibration as well as two dedicated motors for providing sharp vibration to each trigger (this unique feature is the reason that Xbox One gamepad triggers are referred to as impulse triggers).


Xbox 360 gamepads are not equipped with impulse triggers.

For more information, see Vibration and impulse triggers overview.

Thumbstick deadzones

A thumbstick at rest in the center position would ideally produce the same, neutral reading in the X and Y axes every time. However, due to mechanical forces and the sensitivity of the thumbstick, actual readings in the center position only approximate the ideal neutral value and can vary between subsequent readings. For this reason, you must always use a small deadzone—a range of values near the ideal center position that are ignored—to compensate for manufacturing differences, mechanical wear, or other gamepad issues.

Larger deadzones offer a simple strategy for separating intentional input from unintentional input.

For more information, see Reading the thumbsticks.

UI navigation

In order to ease the burden of supporting the different input devices for user interface navigation and to encourage consistency between games and devices, most physical input devices simultaneously act as a separate logical input device called a UI navigation controller. The UI navigation controller provides a common vocabulary for UI navigation commands across input devices.

As a UI navigation controller, gamepads map the required set of navigation commands to the left thumbstick, D-pad, View, Menu, A, and B buttons.

Navigation commandGamepad input
UpLeft thumbstick up / D-pad up
DownLeft thumbstick down / D-pad down
LeftLeft thumbstick left / D-pad left
RightLeft thumbstick right / D-pad right
ViewView button
MenuMenu button
AcceptA button
CancelB button

Additionally, gamepads map all of the optional set of navigation commands to the remaining inputs.

Navigation commandGamepad input
Page UpLeft trigger
Page DownRight trigger
Page LeftLeft bumper
Page RightRight bumper
Scroll UpRight thumbstick up
Scroll DownRight thumbstick down
Scroll LeftRight thumbstick left
Scroll RightRight thumbstick right
Context 1X Button
Context 2Y Button
Context 3Left thumbstick press
Context 4Right thumbstick press

Detect and track gamepads

Gamepads are managed by the system, therefore you don't have to create or initialize them. The system provides a list of connected gamepads and events to notify you when a gamepad is added or removed.

The gamepads list

The Gamepad class provides a static property, Gamepads, which is a read-only list of gamepads that are currently connected. Because you might only be interested in some of the connected gamepads, it's recommended that you maintain your own collection instead of accessing them through the Gamepads property.

The following example copies all connected gamepads into a new collection. Note that because other threads in the background will be accessing this collection (in the GamepadAdded and GamepadRemoved events), you need to place a lock around any code that reads or updates the collection.

Adding and removing gamepads

When a gamepad is added or removed, the GamepadAdded and GamepadRemoved events are raised. You can register handlers for these events to keep track of the gamepads that are currently connected.

The following example starts tracking a gamepad that's been added.

The following example stops tracking a gamepad that's been removed. You'll also need to handle what happens to the gamepads that you're tracking when they're removed; for example, this code only tracks input from one gamepad, and simply sets it to nullptr when it's removed. You'll need to check every frame if your gamepad is active, and update which gamepad you're gathering input from when controllers are connected and disconnected.

See Input practices for games for more information.

Users and headsets

Each gamepad can be associated with a user account to link their identity to their gameplay, and can have a headset attached to facilitate voice chat or in-game features. To learn more about working with users and headsets, see Tracking users and their devices and Headset.

Reading the gamepad

After you identify the gamepad that you're interested in, you're ready to gather input from it. However, unlike some other kinds of input that you might be used to, gamepads don't communicate state-change by raising events. Instead, you take regular readings of their current state by polling them.

Polling the gamepad

Polling captures a snapshot of the navigation device at a precise point in time. This approach to input gathering is a good fit for most games because their logic typically runs in a deterministic loop rather than being event-driven; it's also typically simpler to interpret game commands from input gathered all at once than it is from many single inputs gathered over time.

You poll a gamepad by calling GetCurrentReading; this function returns a GamepadReading that contains the state of the gamepad.

The following example polls a gamepad for its current state.

In addition to the gamepad state, each reading includes a timestamp that indicates precisely when the state was retrieved. The timestamp is useful for relating to the timing of previous readings or to the timing of the game simulation.

Reading the thumbsticks

Each thumbstick provides an analog reading between -1.0 and +1.0 in the X and Y axes. In the X axis, a value of -1.0 corresponds to the left-most thumbstick position; a value of +1.0 corresponds to right-most position. In the Y axis, a value of -1.0 corresponds to the bottom-most thumbstick position; a value of +1.0 corresponds to the top-most position. In both axes, the value is approximately 0.0 when the stick is in the center position, but it's normal for the precise value to vary, even between subsequent readings; strategies for mitigating this variation are discussed later in this section.

The value of the left thumbstick's X axis is read from the LeftThumbstickX property of the GamepadReading structure; the value of the Y axis is read from the LeftThumbstickY property. The value of the right thumbstick's X axis is read from the RightThumbstickX property; the value of the Y axis is read from the RightThumbstickY property.

When reading the thumbstick values, you'll notice that they don't reliably produce a neutral reading of 0.0 when the thumbstick is at rest in the center position; instead, they'll produce different values near 0.0 each time the thumbstick is moved and returned to the center position. To mitigate these variations, you can implement a small deadzone, which is a range of values near the ideal center position that are ignored. One way to implement a deadzone is to determine how far from center the thumbstick has moved, and ignoring the readings that are nearer than some distance you choose. You can compute the distance roughly—it's not exact because thumbstick readings are essentially polar, not planar, values—just by using the Pythagorean theorem. This produces a radial deadzone.

The following example demonstrates a basic radial deadzone using the Pythagorean theorem.

Each thumbstick also acts as a button when pressed inward; for more information on reading this input, see Reading the buttons.

Reading the triggers

The triggers are represented as floating-point values between 0.0 (fully released) and 1.0 (fully depressed). The value of the left trigger is read from the LeftTrigger property of the GamepadReading structure; the value of the right trigger is read from the RightTrigger property.

Reading the buttons

Each of the gamepad buttons—the four directions of the D-pad, left and right bumpers, left and right thumbstick press, A, B, X, Y, View, and Menu—provides a digital reading that indicates whether it's pressed (down) or released (up). For efficiency, button readings aren't represented as individual boolean values; instead, they're all packed into a single bitfield that's represented by the GamepadButtons enumeration.

The button values are read from the Buttons property of the GamepadReading structure. Because this property is a bitfield, bitwise masking is used to isolate the value of the button that you're interested in. The button is pressed (down) when the corresponding bit is set; otherwise, it's released (up).

The following example determines whether the A button is pressed.

The following example determines whether the A button is released.

Sometimes you might want to determine when a button transitions from pressed to released or released to pressed, whether multiple buttons are pressed or released, or if a set of buttons is arranged in a particular way—some pressed, some not. For information on how to detect each of these conditions, see Detecting button transitions and Detecting complex button arrangements.

Run the gamepad input sample

The GamepadUWP sample (github) demonstrates how to connect to a gamepad and read its state.

Vibration and impulse triggers overview

The vibration motors inside a gamepad are for providing tactile feedback to the user. Games use this ability to create a greater sense of immersion, to help communicate status information (such as taking damage), to signal proximity to important objects, or for other creative uses.

Gamepad Vibration Tester

Xbox One gamepads are equipped with a total of four independent vibration motors. Two are large motors located in the gamepad body; the left motor provides rough, high-amplitude vibration, while the right motor provides gentler, more subtle vibration. The other two are small motors, one inside each trigger, that provide sharp bursts of vibration directly to the user's trigger fingers; this unique ability of the Xbox One gamepad is the reason its triggers are referred to as impulse triggers. By orchestrating these motors together, a wide range of tactile sensations can be produced.

Using vibration and impulse

Gamepad vibration is controlled through the Vibration property of the Gamepad class. Vibration is an instance of the GamepadVibration structure which is made up of four floating point values; each value represents the intensity of one of the motors.

Although the members of the Gamepad.Vibration property can be modified directly, it's recommended that you initialize a separate GamepadVibration instance to the values you want, and then copy it into the Gamepad.Vibration property to change the actual motor intensities all at once.

The following example demonstrates how to change the motor intensities all at once.

Using the vibration motors

The left and right vibration motors take floating point values between 0.0 (no vibration) and 1.0 (most intense vibration). The intensity of the left motor is set by the LeftMotor property of the GamepadVibration structure; the intensity of the right motor is set by the RightMotor property.

Gamepad Vibration Test Pc

The following example sets the intensity of both vibration motors and activates gamepad vibration.

Remember that these two motors are not identical so setting these properties to the same value doesn't produce the same vibration in one motor as in the other. For any value, the left motor produces a stronger vibration at a lower frequency than the right motor which—for the same value—produces a gentler vibration at a higher frequency. Even at the maximum value, the left motor can't produce the high frequencies of the right motor, nor can the right motor produce the high forces of the left motor. Still, because the motors are rigidly connected by the gamepad body, players don't experience the vibrations fully independently even though the motors have different characteristics and can vibrate with different intensities. This arrangement allows for a wider, more expressive range of sensations to be produced than if the motors were identical.

Using the impulse triggers

Gamepad Vibration Tester App

Each impulse trigger motor takes a floating point value between 0.0 (no vibration) and 1.0 (most intense vibration). The intensity of the left trigger motor is set by the LeftTrigger property of the GamepadVibration structure; the intensity of the right trigger is set by the RightTrigger property.

Usb Vibration Gamepad Drivers Download

The following example sets intensity of both impulse triggers and activates them.

Unlike the others, the two vibration motors inside the triggers are identical so they produce the same vibration in either motor for the same value. However, because these motors are not rigidly connected in any way, players experience the vibrations independently. This arrangement allows for fully independent sensations to be directed to both triggers simultaneously, and helps them to convey more specific information than the motors in the gamepad body can.

Gamepad Vibration Test Software

Run the gamepad vibration sample

Gamepad Vibration Tester Tool

The GamepadVibrationUWP sample (github) demonstrates how the gamepad vibration motors and impulse triggers are used to produce a variety of effects.

Gamepad Tester App

See also